1) Campsis radicans TRUMPET CREEPER Bignoniaceae- Trumpet Creeper Family
Common native vine, climbing or trailing habit. Pinnately compound leaves w/ 7-15 leaflets, leaflets ovate and coarsely serrate, 1-3 inches long. Flower corolla an orange-red funnel 2-3 inches long. Fruit a gray-brown capsule 6-7 inches long. Younger vines with smooth bark, older vines reaching 5 inches in diameter or more, covered in coarse, light brown bark. Blooms in June and July in woods, wood edges and disturbed sites.
2) Bignonia capreolata CROSS VINE Bignoniaceae- Trumpet Creeper Family
Common woody vine, climbing or trailing habit. Leaves pinnately compound. Climbs using tendrils. Glabrous leaflets often semi-evergreen, 3-6 inches long, lanceolate, often with slightly cordate base. Flowers in axillary clusters, corolla reddish-orange tube, often yellow within. Fruit a flattened capsule to 6 inches or more. Blooms april-May in mixed woodlands.
3) Hibiscus moscheutos ROSE MALLOW Malvaceae- Mallow Family
Tall native perennial to 6 feet. Resident of swampy meadows and ditches. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to 8 inches long, unlobed or with two lateral lobes. Pubescent above and below. Flowers in leaf axils on upper stem. Petals usually white, sometimes pink with reddish patch at base. Fruit a pubescent capsule to 1.5 inches. Blooms June-August.
4) Vitis rotundifolia MUSCADINE Vitaceae- Grape Family
Common native vine of woods and wood edges. Conspicuously flaky bark on older stems. Climbs using tendrils. Continuous pith. Leaves ovate to slightly cordate, usually glabrous, coarsely serrate. Flowers May-June. Fruit a purple-black berry seen in mid-late summer.
5) Pycnanthemum tenuifolium NARROW-LEAVED MOUNTAIN MINT Lamiaceae- Mint
Aromatic native perennial to three feet. Leaves thin, linear, highly aromatic when rubbed or crushed. Blooms a group of flat corymbs. Individual corollas whitish-pink. Seeds black. Blooms June-August in open areas, meadows, pastures, road edges.
6) Justicia americana AMERICAN WATER-WILLOW Acanthaceae- Acanthus Family
Native perennial of stream and riverbottoms. Narrow, linear leaves to 10 inches. Plants to 3 feet. Commonly found growing in standing or moving water. Purple-white flowers often found in pairs fused back-to-back. Blooms June-October.
7) Silphium compositum ROSINWEED Asteraceae- Aster Family
Tall native perennial to 10 feet or more. Basal leaves large, alternate, unlobed or palmately lobed, glabrous or pubescent. Cauline leaves often absent or much reduced. Paniculate flowerheads numerous, held at end of largely leafless stem. Blooms May-September along wood edges, old fields and roadways.
8) Asclepias verticillata WHORLED MILKWEED Asclepidaceae- Milkweed Family
Native perennial of dry woods, roadsides and meadows. Stems to 30 inches. Leaves narrow, linear, whorled around stem, 1-2 inches long. Greenish-white flowers in umbels on upper stem- often tinged with pink-purple coloration. Blooms June-September.
9) Ruellia carolinensis CAROLINA WILD PETUNIA Acanthaceae- Acanthus Family
Common native perennial to 1.5 feet. Leaves ovate to elliptic, pubescent to 4 inches long. Flowers form from glomerules in middle and upper leaf axils. Violet corolla trumpet-shaped. Blooms May to September in dry fields and woods.
10) Rudbeckia triloba BROWNEYED SUSAN Asteraceae- Aster Family
Native perennial to 3 feet. One to many stems per crown. Ovate leaves, lower stem leaves usually 3-lobed, inspiring the specific epithet. Upper leaves usually unlobed, often sessile. Leaves 3-5 inches long by 1-3 inches wide. Stem and leaves pubescent or glabrous. Ray flowers golden yellow, disc flowers black-purple. Blooms July-October in woodlands, pastures, wood edges and roadsides.
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